WP1) Activity Management
- Setup, KOM and MKT activities towards EIT
Kick-off of the Activity
Business Plan, Communication, & Dissemination plan in place
Financial sustainability, Commercialization strategy & plan, MKT video in place
Intellectual Property rights agreement drafted and signed
Activity Management Report in place

WP2) Technical solution/MVP
- Creation of the MVP - Innovation Tested
Definition of Use Case, Requirements, KPIs and SW architecture of the solution
Functional and Technical Design
Implementation of Infrastructure + Test environment Set-Up
Data Collection and Development
- Enhancement of the Final Solution
Initial Validation
Bugs fixing + Enhancements + MVP#Final Testing
Final Validation
WP3) Business model and go-to-market plan
Creation of the draft model
Refinement of the draft model to launch the product
Product launch/Sale
Tech activities of the project and parallel MKT and COM ones, will let have the expected first invoice

WP4) Creation of the learning path
Creation of learning path
Learning path focused on data use cases and their added value for the manufacturing company.
WP5) Dissemination and communication
Organization within the consortium of the creation of the identity set, Dissemination and Communication Plan
Implementation of Dissemination and Communication Plan
Participation to events to promote the project
or social marketing campaigns and the promotion of project´s activities. EITM and CLCs events participation.